Saturday, February 10, 2007

Update II: Electric Bugaloo

Alright, I do still enjoy boobies, but that's not the point. Well, yeah, no, not the point. Things have been happening people. You know, things, like work, not work, then work again, and then not work. Exciting things like that! Then, I got monies, for the times I do work, and I buy things. The monies sometimes runs out, so I have to wait, and do more work, to get monies. THEN AGAIN WITH THE BUYING OF THINGS.

My life kind of sucks right now. That's the moral of the story.

Oh, and if you think working and buying things with the monies you earn, and doing nothing else is a good life to lead, then your life might kind of suck too. Perhaps.


Oh, I may have changed some stuff around.

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