Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I have dreams! Freaky ass dreams!

So there I was minding my own business when all of a sudden there was a party at Debs house, and there were these people I had never met before. Something was wrong with my phones antenna, so one of these people offered to fix it for me. I said sure and gave him my phone. Later on, his girlfriend comes back and gives me my phone. I notice that the antenna is working but it's not my phone so I inform her. She says sorry, my antenna is way too long so I just switched my phone with yours. I laughed and said no seriously, give it back and she was like sorry, my boyfriend already left with it. I throw the phone at her and say you're lucky I don't hit girls, but I might have to make an exception in your case. She cowers and I run off to find the boyfriend. It's dark outside but I jump down all the staircases but I can't find him. I start going up but I don't remember where debs apartment is so I keep going up till I get to this drawbridge. I realize that I've gone the wrong way then all of a sudden an old lady explodes. I was terrified and I just run back downstairs and go the other way. All of a sudden I'm in a lit hallway, similar to my apartment building and I knock on a door. Jery Seinfeld opens the door and says "Hey Jose, I'm on The View" and then I see all of the ladies on the View. They say hello and I ask him where debs apartment is He says it's two floors up. I start going upstairs but then all of a sudden I am at a movie premiere. The movie is my exact story with the cellphone and the old lady, but the character that suppose to represent me decides to start fighting crime, ala Batman. The end.


Anonymous said...

That is the most craziest dream I have ever heard in my life.


Anonymous said...

You had a dream about Star Jones?


Anonymous said...

What ?